在影响中医疗效的诸多因素中,中药房工作是其重要的方面之一。那么,如何才能提高中药房的工作质量,笔者试就这一问题,谈个人的粗浅认识如下: 1.认真审方,是药房工作的首要环节 1.1.辨识药物名称药房工作人员在接到处方后,除应认真审查患者姓名、年龄、性别等一般项目外,还必须慎重地辨别药物的名称,因为有些药物是出产地的名称。有些是规格名称,还有一些药物名称是医生自己惯用的别名,如有人把牛蒡子写成大力子;把山萸肉写成枣皮:
Of the many factors that affect the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, the work of the pharmacy is one of its important aspects. So, how can we improve the quality of work in pharmacies? I try to address this issue and talk about the individual’s superficial understanding as follows: 1. Careful examination of the pharmacy is the most important part of pharmacy work. 1.1. Identification of drug names Pharmacy workers receive prescriptions In addition to the general items such as the patient’s name, age, and gender, the name of the drug must be carefully discerned because some drugs are the name of the place of origin. Some are standard names, and there are also some medicine names that are used by doctors as their own aliases. For example, someone writes a scorpion dumpling into a strong child;