年号公元曹操年龄汉桓帝刘志永寿元年 155 一岁永寿二年 156 二岁永寿三年 157 三岁延熹元年 158 四岁延熹二年 159 五岁延熹三年 160 六岁大事记二月司隶、冀州大饥.南匈奴犯美稷,张奂击败之,降.泰山公孙举起义.段熲往击,斩之.四月九真朱达起义.九真都尉魏朗击破之.十一月长沙兄弟民族起义.十二月鲜卑入侵,使匈奴中郎将张奂率南单于击败之.八月中常侍单超等杀外戚权臣梁冀,十月以单超为牵骑将军,宦官开始专政.正月单超卒.閈正月西羌犯张掖,段熲击平之.九月泰山瑯邪劳丙等复暴动.十一月泰山叔孙无忌起义.十二月中郎将宗资破之.诏无事之官权绝俸,丰年如故.
Year AD Cao Cao age Han Huan emperor Liu Zhi Yongshou year 155 a year Yongshou two years 156 two years Yongshou three years 157 three years Yan Xi the first year 158 four years Yan Xi two years 159 five years Yan Xi three years 160 six years old Memorabilia II Month Secretary, Jizhou hungry. South Huns committed guilty of the United States, Zhang Huan defeated, down .Tashan Gongsunju uprising .Duan 熲Will hit, cut .July 9 trueZhu Da uprising. Nine true captain Wei Lang break In November, the fraternal uprising in Changsha, followed by Xianbei invasion in December, left the Central Government of the Huns to defeat Nan Shan in the defeat of the Nan Shan single. In August, General, the eunuch began dictatorship .On the first month of a single dictate. 闬 Zhengqiang Western Qiang guilty of Zhangye, paragraph 熲 hit flat .In September, Taishan Langya Clover and other revolt .In November Taishan uncle sigh uprising .In December Zhonglangjian Capital broken. Chao no matter the official absolute pension, harvest years as before.