这是一群疯狂的不法之徒,他们为了钱先后杀死了4名司机,其罪恶的行迹遍布湖南、厂东、浙江等省。 这是一个英勇而机智的战斗集体,以湘潭市公安局刑侦支队一大队为主力的侦破队伍,以迅雷不及掩耳之势,仅用17个小时就将这个罪孽深重的犯罪团伙一网打尽。金色盾牌为4名屈死在异地它乡的冤魂昭雪。 可疑的凌志车 1996年5月6日下午1时许,湘潭市公安局刑侦支队喻军副支队长的手提电话骤然响起,有群众举报:有一伙可疑人
This is a group of crazy criminals, who killed four drivers for the succession of money. Their evils have spread all over the provinces of Hunan, Changdong, and Zhejiang. This is a brave and witty combat group, with the investigation team of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Xiangtan Municipal Public Security Bureau as the main team, with lightning speed, in just 17 hours, the sinful criminal gangs will have a clean sweep. Golden Shield for the four deceased in its hometown of innocent victims. Suspicious Lexus car May 1, 1996 at 1 pm on May 6, Xiangtan City Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Branch Yu Jun, deputy chief of mobile phones suddenly sounded, there are people to report: a group of suspicious people