Patients, male, 84 years old, due to dizziness, chest tightness, memory loss, suffocating at night awake in recent years gradually increased in October 1986 to the hospital: Physical examination: R22 beats / min, heart rate 82 beats / min, Bp24 / 13.3kPa, Soft palate and uvula hypertrophy, pharyngeal stricture, normal heart and lung, normal ECG, blood gas when awake no abnormal results. Observe the characteristics of sleep at night: frequent awakening from sleep, the first nasal and oral pause, abdominal breathing, and then stop breathing for 30 to 50 seconds; apnea after interruption of a huge snoring; a few times normal Breathe again in the same form, 1 hour up to 15 to 18 times; breathing during the period of cyanosis lips. Patients usually slow action, sleep more than 15 hours a day and night. According to the patient’s obesity, narcolepsy and the criteria proposed by Rechtschaffen: the nasal and oral airflow was suspended for more than 10 seconds, 7 hours of sleep apnea more than 30 times, the average hourly breath apnea more than 5 times, diagnosed as