那是1995年12月的一天,车间杜书记在一次学习会上号召大家订阅《共产党员》杂志。我立刻忐忑不安地问道:“不是党员的也可以订阅吗?”杜书记回答:“不但可以,而且热烈欢迎。”说句实在话,我一直认为《共产党员》是党内发行的,只有共产党员才有资格订阅呢。每当有人拿着《共产党员》从我面前走过时,我就从心里羡慕他(她)。我想:他(她)一定是一名共产党员。因此,听了杜书记的话后,我便毫不犹豫地订阅了一份《共产党员》。就这样,我与《共产党员》相识了。 如果说当初订阅《共产党员》是为了响应号召的话,那么现在我却是从心里喜欢上她了。刚开始拿到《共产党员》的时候,我只是盲目地随便看看,可是这一看不要紧,我是越看越爱看,于是便认真地学了起来。通
That was a day in December 1995, and Workshop Du Shuji called at a learning conference to subscribe to the “Communists” magazine. Immediately I asked uneasily: “Can not you subscribe if you are not a party member?” Du Shuji replied: “Not only can I but also warmly welcome.” To be honest, I always thought that “communists” were issued within the party and only the Communist Party Members are eligible to subscribe to it. Whenever someone with “Communists” walked in front of me, I envy him (her) from my heart. I think: he (she) must be a communist. Therefore, I listened to the words of Du secretary, I would not hesitate to subscribe to a “communist”. In this way, I met “communist”. If I originally subscribed to “Communists” in response to the call, then now I just love her from the heart. When I first got the Communists, I just looked blindly and casually. However, I did not think so. I learned more and loved it more and learned it seriously. through