Citizenization of Native Villagers after Redeveloped Urban Village:A Case Study of Liede Community i

来源 :China City Planning Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leunggz
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Based on qualitative data from in-depth interviews,participative observation,and literature study,this paper aims to get insights into the patterns and process of the citizenization of native villagers living in Liede Community,which is the first redeveloped urban village in Guangzhou.Investigation on villagers’ citizenization level is carried out to examine how the redevelopment project affects villagers’ citizenization.Our finding reveals that the redevelopment project has improved villagers’ living conditions and income levels remarkably,has facilitated the mixed housing patterns of diversified social groups,and has increased their chances to be integrated into urban social life.Nevertheless,as villagers kept their traditional mode of thinking,behavioral habits,and lifestyles,the citizenization process made little progress in terms of land ownership,management mode,mode of livelihood,and citizen identity.Therefore,the Liede redevelopment project has turned out to be a “passive citizenization” process,i.e.,villagers merely received socio-economic benefits from the redevelopment passively but remained isolated from the socio-economic and cultural system of the city.Finally,this paper proposes some policy suggestions to promote the citizenization from both conceptual and practical perspectives. Based on qualitative data from in-depth interviews, participative observation, and literature study, this paper aims to get insights into the patterns and process of the citizenization of native villagers living in Liede Community, which is the first redeveloped urban village in Guangzhou. Investigations on villagers’ citizenization level is carried out to examine how the redevelopment project affects villagers’ citizenization. Our finding reveals that the redevelopment project has improved villagers’ living conditions and income levels remarkably, has facilitated the mixed housing patterns of diversified social groups, and has increased their chances to be integrated into urban social life.Nevertheless, as villagers kept their traditional mode of thinking, behavioral habits, and lifestyles, the citizenization process made little progress in terms of land ownership, management mode, mode of livelihood, and citizen identity .Therefore, the Liede redevelopment project has turned out to be a “passive citi zenization ”process, ie, villagers simply received socio-economic benefits from the redevelopment passively but isolated from the socio-economic and cultural system of the city .Finally, this paper proposes some policy suggestions to promote the citizenization from both conceptual and practical perspectives
少儿版画兴起    版画在我国具有悠久的历史,我国也是世界上出现木刻版画最早的国家,并得到了世界的公认。(图1)   中国的新兴木刻则是受了欧洲创作木刻的影响而发展起来的。1931年鲁迅先生在上海主持的木刻讲习会,宣告中国新兴木刻的开始。  20世纪四十年代初,由鲁迅先生培养起来的两位版画家张望、陈烟桥在陶行知先生创办的重庆育才学校开始了我国最早的少儿版画创作活动。(图2)    中国社会改革开放