Behcet’s syndrome is a systemic disease with predominantly intestinal ulceration or ulcerative colitis. The incidence of disparity between countries, ranging from 0 to 40%, no difference between men and women. Symptoms of intestinal lesions of abdominal pain, diarrhea (usually bloody), fever, severe weight loss, often perforation, bleeding, abscess, fistula and other complications. Peritonitis caused by perforation of the ileum or ileocecal ulcer is often the first manifestation of this syndrome; in addition, and often can have non-specific inflammation and hypochromic red cell anemia. Intestinal lesions were found in four histocompatibility antigens (HLAB_5, B_ (27), B_ (12) and A_2) of Behçet’s syndrome, but more common in patients with HLAB_ (12). Increased circulating immune complexes found in 60% of cases.