今年5月,在北京举行的“2004‘祝家庄’杯华夏专题邮会集邮展览”上,上海张梦伟的(《世界反法西斯战争的伟大胜利》专题展品获镀金奖,在邮坛上沉寂了近10年的张梦伟再次吸引媒体的关注。他在得知这一消息后如释重负地说:我的努力终于获得了成功,我的爱国情怀得到了释放。 早在9年前的1995年,为纪念抗日战争和世界反法西斯战争胜利50周年。张梦伟编组了一部《玩火者
In May 2004, Zhang Mengwei (“Great Victory of the World Anti-Fascist War”) exhibits on the “2004 Zhuozhu Cup China Philatelic Philatelic Philatelic Exhibition” held in Beijing won a gold medal at the poster altar In the past 10 years, Zhang Mengwei once again caught the attention of the media. After learning of this news, he explained with great relief: My efforts were finally successful and my patriotic feelings were released. As early as nine years ago in 1995, Anti-Japanese War and the World Anti-Fascist War. 50-year-old Zhang Mengwei group formed a "