威膝散原为治风寒湿痹侵袭下肢,下肢拘急麻木酸痛而设的一张便方。临证多年,疗效满意。后扩大施治于股阴疽初起,未成脓时也有良效。因其简便易行,药物平和无副作用,用于临床甚为理想,为此特作介绍: 药物配制:威灵仙二份、川牛夕一份。以上二味文火焙干,打细过筛成末,储装备用。服用方法:每次轻症3~5克,重症可增至10克,
Wei Kizai was originally a fetus for the treatment of wind and cold dampness that affected the lower extremities and caused severe numbness in the lower extremities. For many years, the clinical results are satisfactory. After the expansion of treatment in the beginning of the femoral hernia, there is also good effect when it does not become pus. Because of its simplicity and ease of use, the drug is mild and has no side effects. It is ideal for clinical use. It is specially introduced for this purpose: Drug preparation: Two doses of Clematis and one chuanxiu evening. The above two flavors are broiled, dried, sifted and sieved, and used for storage equipment. Dosage: 3 to 5 grams for each mild illness and 10 grams for severe illness