
来源 :渔业致富指南 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panweilu
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在山区发展家庭式小塘养鱼,不仅能解决山区群众吃鱼问题,而且是一条致富好门路。 山区小塘养鱼技术简单易行,管理也方便。就是利用村前屋后或庭院内有水源的地方挖掘或修整成小则几十平方米,大则上百平方米的小池塘,水深1米-1.5米左右,池壁最好用砖石砌好,防止泥沙倒塌,有条件的可用竹筒等把水引入池内,进 Developing family-style Xiaotang fish farming in mountainous areas can not only solve the problem of eating fish by the masses in the mountain areas, but also become a good way to get rich. Small pond mountain fishing technology is simple, management is also convenient. Is to use the village house or the courtyard within the water source excavation or trimming as small as dozens of square meters, then hundreds of square meters of small ponds, water depth of 1 meter -1.5 meters, the best brick wall brick Well, to prevent the collapse of sediment, conditional availability of bamboo and other water into the pool, into
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