现将自治区革委会农业局《关于乱砍盗伐国有林木情况的报告》转发给你们。 报告综合各地所反映的乱砍盗伐林木、破坏国家森林资源的情况是极为严重的,不仅在经济上给国家财产造成巨大损失,而且在政治上也造成极坏的影响,这是阶级斗争和路线斗争在林业战线上的反映。
We hereby forward to you the Commission’s “Report on Deepening the Illegal Hearing of State-owned Forest Trees” by the Agriculture Bureau of the Revolutionary Committee of the Autonomous Region. The report comprehensively describes the harsh logging of logging trees and the destruction of the country’s forest resources as reflected in the various places. It not only results in huge economic losses to state property, but also has extremely bad political consequences. This is the result of the class struggle and Reflections of the Route Struggle on the Forestry Front.