The clinical features of chronic exfoliative gingivitis are gingival hyperemia and exfoliation. In 1932, Prioz named the first case of severe gingival exfoliation as “chronic disseminated exfoliative gingivitis.” In lesions, the extent and extent of gingival involvement vary: sometimes there is only mild exfoliation of the hyperemia, and in some cases, the epithelium can be easily peeled off from the non-ulcerated area; in other cases, the area of extensive connective tissue exposure . The patient may be asymptomatic or have a burning sensation, or have severe pain. The disease more women than men, adolescence can be any age, but more after 30 years of age. The disease eases and exacerbates the period of uncertainty gum damage may be healing in a few months, the condition may also continue for several years. The etiology of the disease is still difficult to determine, early researchers believe that the single cause. Etiological factors to be considered later include estrogen deficiency, hypothyroidism and nutritional deficiencies, but Glickman et al. Have considered the disease is mainly a