截至 2 0 0 1年 11月 30日 ,大山口水电厂累计发电量达 3 5亿kW·h ,实现工业总产值 2 75 9万元 ,创历史最好水平。该厂于 1991年投产发电 ,装机容量 8万kW。近几年 ,该厂不断加大技改资金的投入 ,一批具备国内先进水平的设备相继投入运行。通过技术革新和消缺工作 ,使设
As of November 30, 2001, the total power generation capacity of Dashankou Hydropower Plant reached 355 million kW·h, achieving an industrial output value of 27.759 million yuan, which was the best in history. The plant was put into production in 1991 with an installed capacity of 80,000 kW. In recent years, the plant has continuously increased investment in technical reform funds, and a number of equipment with advanced domestic standards have been put into operation. Through technical innovation and deficiencies,