培养阅读兴趣,提高文学素质是语文教学的主要目标之一。学生的文学素质常以驾驭语言能力的高低作为衡量的重要尺度。古人云:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”“凡读书……只要多诵几遍,自然上口,久查不忘”。从古到今,有多少名家学者以自身的经历和感受对“读”给予了充分的肯定,堪称是学习语文的经验之谈。“读”是语文学科最基本的教学方法 ,是我国自古至今传统的教学方法之一,也是行之有效、最大限度提高学生驾驭语言能力的最
To cultivate reading interest and improve the quality of literature is one of the major goals of Chinese language teaching. The literary quality of students is often measured by the level of language ability. The ancients said: “If you break a book and read a book, if you have a pen, if you have a book, you can read it. If you read a few times, you’ll naturally catch it and you will never forget.” From ancient times to the present, how many famous scholars have given their full recognition of “reading” through their own experiences and feelings can be regarded as the experience of learning Chinese. “Reading” is the most basic teaching method in the Chinese language discipline. It is one of the traditional teaching methods in China since ancient times. It is also the most effective and most effective way to improve students’ ability to control their language.