为了进一步寻找抢救毒蛇咬伤的新方法而进行下列研究: 一、体外活性炭(吸附型人工肾用炭)吸附蛇毒实验 实验分成两组(吸附组及对照组),用人血浆稀释蛇毒干粉至一定浓度,吸附组蛇毒液中加入一定量活性炭后搅拌5分钟,对照组蛇毒液中不加活性炭,二者均置冰箱中1小时取出离心,取上清液(含致死量或超致死量毒液)按小鼠体重每10克腹腔注入0.1毫升,观察24~48小时小鼠死亡数。得到如下结果:
In order to further search for a new method for rescuing snake bites, the following studies were conducted: 1. In vitro activated carbon (adsorptive artificial kidney charcoal) adsorption venom experimental experiments were divided into two groups (adsorption group and control group), and human plasma was used to dilute venom dry powder to a certain concentration. Adding a certain amount of activated carbon to the adsorption group snake venom and stirring for 5 minutes. The control group does not add activated carbon to the venom of the snakes. Both of them are placed in the refrigerator for 1 hour to remove and centrifuge, and the supernatant (containing lethal dose or super deadly venom) is taken. The mouse body weight was injected into the abdominal cavity of 0.1 g per 10 g, and the number of mouse deaths was observed for 24 to 48 hours. Get the following results: