鸿基是越南一个秀丽的海港,与我国广西的海防可谓“一衣带水”。鸿基的下龙湾,奇岛出水,仰碧湾相映,堪与桂林山水媲美。 我轮因水尺达7米,不能直入海防,被安排到鸿基驳载。 船过吉婆岛,前方船已转向朝近岸的丛岛中去,我轮取大道而行。这边也有怪岛奇石,但不似“小路”上星罗棋布。不觉已抵下龙湾锚地,这里依然翠岛零落。见一岛腰藏深洞,时有舟楫从洞
Hong Ki is a beautiful harbor in Vietnam, and our coastal defense in Guangxi can be described as “a strip of water.” Hongji Halong Bay, Island water, Yangbi Bay phase matched, comparable to landscapes and Guilin. Due to the fact that the water level is 7 meters, I can not go straight to Haiphong and be deployed to Hong Ki. Boat over Cat Ba Island, the front of the boat has been diverted to the nearshore of the island to go, I take the road. There are also strange island rocks here, but not like “trail” on the dotted. Unconsciously arrived in Halong Bay anchorage, where the island is still scattered. See an island hidden deep hole, when the boat 楫 from the hole