早产低出生体重儿童易出现认知、注意、情绪、行为等神经发育问题,患注意缺陷多动障碍(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,ADHD)风险性明显增加,且与出生体重和胎龄存在相关性,本文还对低出生体重儿童婴幼儿期的注意问题,易患ADHD的可能机理,神经心理功能缺陷,合并的情绪行为问题和成人期的表现等进行了综述。
Premature children with low birth weight premature birth prone to cognitive, attention, emotional, behavioral and other neurological problems, the risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) increased significantly, and with the birth weight and gestational age are related, This article also reviews the infantile childhood attention, the probable mechanism of ADHD, the neuropsychological deficits, the combined emotional and behavioral problems and the performance of adulthood in low birth weight infants.