Gene library of 017 strain of Leptospira interrogans was constructed using plasmid vector pUC18. The recombinant plasmids pDJ6 and pDJ8 were screened, and the inserted fragments were 1.9kb and 2.2kb, respectively. Digoxigenin primers were used to label the 1.9kb fragment for hybridization of six serogroups of leptospira DNA. The results showed that there was obvious hybridization signal between the recombinant probe and the pathogenic Leptospira DNA, and the signal of hybridization with the non-pathogenic leptospira, human leukocyte DNA and E. coli JM103 DNA was not obvious. This specific recombinant probe can be used as identification, identification of pathogenic leptospira and leptospirosis, species classification as a means.