一个著名企业的背后蕴藏着自己独特的文化血脉,一个伟大品牌的造就需要追求卓越的精神灵魂。德国迈森瓷器从仿造研制的成功到勇于创新的技艺,从严谨规范的管理到与时俱进的营销,创造了辉煌的历史文化,成为当今世界最著名的瓷器品牌。 瓷器是中国人发明的。欧洲人在中世纪时从中东商人手里首次看到了中国瓷器,十字军的东征使欧洲人从中、近东将中国的瓷器带回了欧洲,《马可波罗游记》(1298年)让欧洲人对中国瓷器的烧制技术略有所知。欧洲人通过东西方经济文化交流,特
Behind a well-known business with its own unique culture of blood, the creation of a great brand requires the pursuit of excellence spiritual soul. Meissen porcelain from the success of imitation development to the courage to innovate in art, from rigorous and standardized management to advancing with the marketing, creating a brilliant history and culture, becoming the world’s most famous porcelain brand. Porcelain was invented by Chinese. Europeans first saw Chinese porcelain in the Middle Ages from the hands of Middle Eastern merchants. The Crusades led Europeans from China and the Near East to bring Chinese porcelain back to Europe. The Travels to Marco Polo (1298) The firing technology is slightly known. Europeans through the East-West economic and cultural exchanges, special