狂犬病严重威胁着广大群众健康与生命安全,本文收集的病例资料,在流行病学和临床表现方面均和过去教科书上的典型描述有一些差异,可为今后防治工作参考,特作以下分析。1 流行病与资料31例狂犬病患者均有被狂犬或疑似狂犬咬伤的感染史,均无狂犬疫苗接种史。11 地区分布 31例?
Rabies seriously threatens the health and life safety of the masses. The data collected in this paper have some differences in epidemiology and clinical manifestations from the typical textbooks in the past, which can be used as a reference for prevention and treatment in the future. 1 epidemiology and information 31 cases of rabies patients were infected with rabies or suspected rabies infection history, no rabies vaccination history. 11 regional distribution of 31 cases?