The Innovation and Sustainability of “Five-waterCo-Governance” in Ningbo

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  【Abstract】Water, which is the most important source material basis for the mankind and all living things, has been seriously damaged because of the industrial development in Ningbo. To overcome the difficulties and improve efficiency, Hua Xing Village and Zong Han Street, which is the village in Ningbo, invented their personal new technologies. Nevertheless, the effect of the reform is not conspicuous due to the lack of awareness and incomplete system. A questionnaire and an interview were conducted among villagers and cadres in two villages. Eventually, some suggestions are put forward in the discussion part.The article is mainly to analyze not only the implementation of the new technology in these two villages, but also the comparison of the old and new technologies!
  【Key words】Five-water co-governance; rural domestic sewage; governance situation
  1. Introduction
  Water, which is the basic natural resources, strategic economic resources and social resources, is the most important material basis for the survival and development of human beings and all living things. However, with the continuous development of the economy, Ningbo’s water resources have been seriously damaged. The continuous deterioration of the water environment in the river network has seriously affected the people’s quality of life and the process of modernization.[Hu Yang, ZhengXuefang, 2004]In order to promote the controlling of rural domestic sewage, Ningbo has invested a lot of manpower and material resources, but affected by farmers’ living habits, the concept of government management and other factors, the treatment effect is not ideal. The quality of some rivers is still very low.In this regard, the relevant villages have carried out reforms and innovations. The inventions of new technology, which are aerobic and anaerobic in Huaxing Village, and cultivation of microbial species in Zonghan Street, came out.
  2. Processand results
  I interviewed two key cadres of the Environment Bureau of the two villages to get some useful data on water quality from cadres. In addition, I also carried out a questionnaire ,which is about the understanding of the five-water co-governanceand their own participationon the villagers of the two villages.
  From January to June 2018, the overall quality of surface water in the city was good. Among the 80 municipal control sections, classⅠ-Ⅲ water quality sections accounted for 76.3% and the rate of reaching the standard in water functional was 80%.It is gratifying to know that most of the villagers can actively participate in the ranks of sewage treatment and the cadre said that there are more than 580 households in the village and the total amount of sewage discharged is large. The terminal treatment facility of the domestic sewage treatment project adopts mature and reliable aerobic anaerobic-constructed technology. And the residents’ domestic sewage is uniformly collected and incorporated into the centralized treatment system of the sewage treatment system, and the treated water quality index reaches the first class B standard of the National Pollutant discharge Standard for urban sewage treatment plants.Compared with the old technology, the technology has a better cleanup capabilities and less manpower consumption, although it is more expensive and more difficult than the old technology. The microbial strain project in Zonghan Street is organized and implemented by the Provincial Water Conservancy Science. It mainly adopts a variety of dominant environmental microbial populations screened from nature. After directional domestication and cultivation, it is used to degrade pollutants in water. So, the water can restore the self-purification capacity. It is reported that this is still the first application in the province, and it will play an exemplary role in the river regulation throughout the province.   3. Discussion
  First,during the visit,we can find that two villages have set up“riverchief”for the related channel.However, since the“riverchief”is not a formal position in the current administrative system, if the “river chief”wants to take measures, it mainly depends on the public resources at its disposal.To a certain extent,the sustainability of the behavior in water controlling is also relatively poor.[YuLiwen, 2018]Moreover, the“riverchief”will not always be concerned about the state of the river and will appear only after receiving a report from villagers. It can be found that the government supervision is not enough. Secondly, public has not established the idea that they are also the main body of water control. Most of the villagers rely on a temporary sense of responsibility, and if this enthusiasm is not assisted byexternal force. Therefore, the villagers’participation in the control of water can only be temporary and not for a long time. In view of this, I put forward the following suggestions:
  (1)Call on the public to participate in the protection of water resources.From the point of water pollution control in the Great Lakes Basin,the full introduction of public participation,so that the public management of water pollution control model will greatly improve the enthusiasm of sewage treatment.This not only needs the government,the media to carry on the massive propaganda,but also needs the villagers to take part in the water control as a slice of their daily life,and carry it out to the end.
  (2)Establish some muti-level water resources management systems.From the experience of water pollution controlling in Danube River and other regions.European countries have established the corresponding muti-level water resources management system.Governments at all levels should do practical things and not be illusory officials.
  (3)The enterprise takes the initiative to donate and contribute to the work of water control.The use of new technologies requires large fundings,which requires media advocacy and calls for active contributions. Through this investigation and study,we can find that the new technology of the two villages is effective.I hope that the relevant departments can combine the suggestions I put forward to carry out certain reform and innovation, so that the advantages the technology are more obvious!
  [1]Yuliwen. Study on“five Waters and Co-governance”from the Perspective of multiple Governance[D]. Northwest University, 2018.
  [2]HuYang, ZhengXuefang. Problems and Comprehensive Regulation measures of River Network Water Environment in Ningbo City[J]. Zhejiang Water Conservancy Science and Technology, 2004(05):75-76.
  [3]ShenJincheng. Government responsibility in Water Environment Management[D]. Nanchang University, 2017.
一、知识衔接在“早期维新派的出现”教学中的运用  在学习人教版高中历史必修3第14课《从“师夷长技”到维新变法》一课时,有学生向我提出了这样的质疑:“早期维新派与洋务派存在什么联系与区别?”  教材中本课的三个目录“开眼看世界”、“中学为体、西学为用”、“维新变法思想”,主要向学生介绍了自鸦片战争以来至19世纪末的中国思想解放的内容。关于它们之间的联系与区别,则少有涉及,在教学中,我们往往会对各派
【摘要】在这个信息化的年代,“微课”作为一种时间短、观看方便的视频教学模式,弥补了传统教学中教学场地局限、教学时间固定的不足。小学生特别是农村小学学生要学好英语,单凭课堂上的学习明显是不够的。此文主要探讨微课在小学英语教学中的应用及设计的注意点。  【关键词】小学英语;微课;应用;呈现形式  【作者简介】程红梅,江苏省南通市海安高新区隆政小学。  微课作为一种新兴学习模式从诞生到现在已经有十多年了
【摘要】翻转课堂作为一种新型的教学形式,已在全球开始盛行。它与传统教学相比具有突破传统课堂局限、重构教学结构、体现教学新理念的优势。本文从中职英语课堂上可能进行的“翻转”入手,分析了“翻转课堂”的优势与不足,力图引起职教同行在相关方面的思考与重视。  【关键词】翻转课堂;教学模式;信息技术  一、翻转课堂教学模式的由来与发展  翻转课堂起源自2007年的美国科罗拉多州,在当时的林地公园高中,教师为
【摘要】阅读是英语教学的重要组成部分,加强对学生阅读技能的培养和训练,提高学生的阅读能力是英语教师进行教学的一项重要任务。在初中英语阅读教学中,教师应适应新课改需求,不断优化教学模式,改进教学策略。在初中英语课外阅读教学中运用阅读圈活动开展阅读教学,可以有效促进学生的阅读积累,发展学生综合阅读能力,提升学生阅读素养。  【关键词】阅读圈活动;初中英语;课外阅读;运用策略  【作者简介】吴心蕙,江苏
【摘要】在现在小学的课堂中,导学案是一种新的教学模式与应用,它的理念是以学生的发展为本,明确学生的有效学习是有关于教师有效的设计之上,设计在教师所设计的导学案之中,“预置活动”就显得尤为重要了。  【关键词】预置活动;导学案;有效性  导学式教学模式是一种以导为主线,学为主体,强调学生在教师指导下渐进自主学习的模式。其源于“启发式”教学模式,但与“启发式”教学模式相比,其更加注重对学生学习能力的培
【摘要】为适应社会发展需要,培养具备英语实际运用能力的中职毕业生,让英语表演走进中职课堂,调动学生口语交际方面的积极性,培养学生之间的团队合作精神,不断提高他们对于英语口语的实际运用。  【关键词】中职英语教学;口语能力;课堂表演  众所周知,中职生的英语基础较薄弱,厌学、弃学情绪时有发生,这使得英语教师一筹莫展。为了更好地引导学生,提高学生的学习兴趣,使学生真正成为课堂的主人,“做中学,学中做”
在新课程背景下,关注每一位学生的成长和发展,提升每一位学生的生命价值是新一轮课程改革的最高宗旨和核心理念。作为现代社会的教师,我们善于运用和发挥心理效应的积极作用,了解学生的心理,走进学生的心灵,激活学生的潜能,培养学生的兴趣,调动学生的积极性,使政治课教学充满生机和活力,提高思想政治课教学的吸引力和实效性,使学生得到全面的提高和发展。  一、“齐加尼克效应”与课堂教学的关系  记得在学生时代,考
一、问题的产生  《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》指出:“倡导启发式、探究式、讨论式、参与式教学,帮助学生学会学习。激发学生的好奇心,培养学生的兴趣爱好,营造独立思考、自由探索的良好环境。”按照这一理念,笔者在人教版(2007年1月第3版)高中历史必修2第三单元第一课《近代中国经济结构的变动》的教学中,发现部分学生对教材上“清军在甲午中日战争中惨败,北洋水师全军覆没,宣