蛋白质 对宝宝抵抗力有多重要?

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宝贝健康成长是每个父母的心愿。可是面对很多孩子一遇到天气变化就会感冒、发烧、甚至肺炎,家长们也是束手无策。宝宝的健康身体源于好的抵抗力,科学研究表明,人体免疫系统活力的保持主要靠食物,而食物中的蛋白质是巩固健康第一防线最重要的营养素。蛋白质如何增强抵抗力?蛋白质是构成免疫力的基础营养素人体的免疫系统,包括免疫细胞、免疫器官、免疫分子都是蛋白质构成的;与免疫力有所关联的许多营养素(如维生素A、铁 Baby healthy growth is the wish of each parent. However, when faced with many children in the face of weather changes will be a cold, fever, and even pneumonia, parents are at their fingertips. Baby’s healthy body stems from good resistance, scientific research shows that the maintenance of human immune system vitality mainly rely on food, and food protein is to consolidate the first line of health the most important nutrients. Proteins are the basic nutrients that make up the immune system The body’s immune system, including immune cells, immune organs, and immune molecules are made of proteins. Many nutrients associated with immunity (such as vitamin A, iron