GFZ 组合型关风器具有传动效率高、结构紧凑、式样美观、安装方便、占地小等明显优点。但在实际使用时存在着“致命”的缺点,即其关风叶轮和电机间是齿轮传动,不像胶带传动那样有过载保护作用。当叶轮在被物料中的细、软杂物卡住时,极易过载引起叶片断折,甚至烧毁电机。虽然GFZ 组合型关风器配有过载自动保护装置和电器报警信号装置,但若遇到物料净度差,其关风叶轮就会常被卡住,那时即使
GFZ combination of the wind close device with transmission efficiency, compact structure, beautiful appearance, easy installation, small footprint and other obvious advantages. But in actual use there is a “fatal” shortcomings, that is, it is the gear wheel between the impeller and the motor, unlike the tape drive as overload protection. When the impeller is caught in the material of fine, soft debris stuck, easily lead to leaf breakage overload, and even burn the motor. Although the GFZ combination of closed-end windshield with automatic overload protection device and electrical alarm signal device, but in case of poor material clarity, the off-wind wheel will often be stuck, then even if