1817年瑞典科学家Berze Lius发现并命名了硒元素。其后很长时间,人们一直认为硒是有毒的。1957年美国学者斯瓦兹发现硒对防治大白鼠肝坏死具有重要作用,进而发现缺硒与家畜白肌病有关。现在已证明:硒是谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶的重要成份,具有明显的抗氧化保护细胞膜完整性的重要作用。我国用硒防治大骨节病是由硒防治克山病
In 1817 Swedish scientist Berze Lius discovered and named selenium. After a long time, people always think that selenium is toxic. In 1957, American scholar Schwartz discovered that selenium plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of liver necrosis in rats, and then discovered that selenium deficiency is related to white matter of domestic animals. It has now been demonstrated that selenium is an important component of glutathione peroxidase and has an important antioxidant-protective effect on cell membrane integrity. Prevention and treatment of Kashin-Beck disease in China by selenium control Keshan disease