来源 :青海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:IceMilo
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8月7日,是新中国政府统计机构成立50周年纪念日,国家统计局要求各省局以生动活泼的形式,从不同侧面,介绍和宣传新中国政府统计机构50年来的发展历程,辉煌业绩和统计人物的先进事迹。为此,青海省统计局于2002年的5月21日在全省统计系统举办了首届“热爱统计事业,弘扬统计精神”为主题的演讲比赛,作为此次纪念活动之一。并以此纪念中国共产主义青年团成立80周年和庆祝“五四”青年节。在演讲比赛中,选手们以生动的文笔、激昂的文字,多层次、多侧 On August 7, marking the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the new Chinese government statistics agency, the State Statistics Bureau required the provincial bureaus to take vivid and lively forms to introduce and publicize the development course of the new Chinese government statistical agencies over the past 50 years from different perspectives. The brilliant achievements and Statistical figures of advanced deeds. To this end, Qinghai Provincial Bureau of Statistics on May 21, 2002 in the province’s statistical system held the first “love statistics, promote statistical spirit” as the theme of speech contest, as one of the commemorative activities. In commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Youth League and the celebration of the May 4th Youth Day, In the speech contest, contestants vivid writing, passionate writing, multi-level, multi-sided
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系统评价者:Crowther C A,Henderson-Smart D J1 背景 早产儿有脑室周出血危险,脑室周出血分4级:Ⅰ级:脑室管膜下出血;Ⅱ级:脑室内出血,无脑室扩张;Ⅲ级:脑室内出血,伴脑室