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实施天然林资源保护和退耕还林工程(以下简称两大工程),建设长江上游生态屏障,是我省贯彻党中央、国务院西部大开发战略的重大举措,是实施可持续发展战略的重要内容。几年来,国家投入了巨额资金。经过全省共同努力,两大工程建设已取得突破性进展。但在实施过程中也出现了一些突出的问题,特别是在资金管理使用方面,个别地方和工程实施单位发生截留、抵扣、挤占、挪用、套取和贪污工程资金等严重违规违纪甚至违法犯罪行为,严重影响了两大工程建设。为严格工程资金使用,保障资金安全运行,现就进一步加强两大工程资金管理的有关问题通知如下。一、统一思想,提高认识,切实加强工程资金管理确保两大工程资金安全运行,事关两大工程成败,责任重于泰山。各级政府及有关部门务必要以 Implementing natural forest resources protection and returning farmland to forest project (hereinafter referred to as the “two major projects”) and building an ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River are major measures for implementing the strategy of developing the western part of the Party Central Committee and the State Council in the western part of our province and an important part of implementing the strategy of sustainable development. In recent years, the state has invested huge sums of money. After the province’s joint efforts, the two major construction projects have made a breakthrough. However, some prominent problems appeared in the implementation process. In particular, in regard to the use of fund management, serious violations of laws and regulations and even criminal activities such as interception, deductibility, diversion, appropriation, embezzlement and corruption of funds occurred in some places and project implementation units Behavior seriously affected the two major construction projects. In order to strictly use the project funds and ensure the safe operation of the funds, we hereby notify you of the relevant issues on further strengthening the fund management of the two major projects. First, unify thinking, raise awareness, and earnestly strengthen the management of project funds to ensure the safe operation of the two major project funds, the success or failure of the two major projects, the responsibility is heavier than Taishan. All levels of government and relevant departments must take
各自治州、市、县、自治县、特区、市辖区人民政府,各地区行署,省人民政府各工作部门: 1990年,省委、省政府作出了《关于十年基本绿化贵州的决定》,各级党委、政府切实加强
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