机械工业标准体系调整与发展战略的研究——第一部分 在市场经济条件下,“标准体系”调整的紧迫性与必然性

来源 :机械工业标准化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wodeziyuan
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本文在全面分析、研究国际和国内、外显在与潜在标准体系的现状、特点与发展趋势的基础上,循着机械工业深化改革总思路,将企业作为标准化工作的主要对象,同时兼顾标准化领域内外的条件与关系,提出在市场条件下,我国机械工业标准体系适时调整的原则、方法和战略发展方向。同时本文对建立一个基本适应机械工业发展与振兴需要、行业内外协调配套、与相关领域发展并行不悖、既便于宏观调控、又便于实际操作的机械工业标准体系,提出了具有较强针对性的建议并规划了具体模式方案。本刊拟分三个部分三期载完全文,以期为配合打好机械工业“三大战役”和通过标准化工作的全方位改革与发展,为建立以质量为中心、以标准与计量技术为基础的综合技术监督保障系统和促进机械工业整体素质的提高,使之尽快融合到国际大循环中去,提供可供参考与采纳的战略性意见。 Based on a comprehensive analysis and research on the status quo, characteristics and development trends of international and domestic, explicit and potential standards systems, following the general idea of ​​deepening the reform of machinery industry and taking the enterprises as the main targets of standardization work, taking into account the standardization field Internal and external conditions and relationships, put forward the principle, method and strategic direction of timely adjustment of China’s machinery industry standard system under market conditions. At the same time, this article has put forward a suggestion with strong pertinence to establish a standard system of machinery industry that basically meets the needs of the development and rejuvenation of the machinery industry, the coordinated support within and outside the industry, and the parallel development of the related fields, which not only facilitates macroeconomic regulation but also realizes practical operation Planning a specific model program. The publication is divided into three parts in three complete articles, in order to tie in with the machinery industry, “three campaigns” and through the standardization of the full range of reform and development, to establish a quality-centric, standards and measurement technology as the basis Comprehensive technical supervision to ensure that the system and promote the overall quality of the machinery industry to improve as soon as possible to integrate into the international cycle to provide strategic advice for reference and adoption.
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