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溆浦园艺场以柑桔种植为主。建场以来为害柑桔较严重的病虫害有:溃疡病、树脂病、疮痂病、烟煤病、炭疽病、天牛、蚱蝉、介壳虫类、红蜘蛛、潜叶蛾、卷叶蛾、锈壁虱等。溆浦园艺场的广大职工,在场党支部的领导下,遵照毛主席关于同病虫害作斗争的教导对柑桔病虫害采取了以防为主,防治结合的方针。经他们细心观察和管理,摸清了部分病虫害的发生发展规律,采取了有效的措施,达到基本消灭和控制的目的。一九五三年柑桔溃疡 Xupu horticultural market to grow orange-based. Diseases and pests that cause serious damage to citrus since the site were: canker, resin disease, scab, bituminous coal, anthracnose, beetle, cicada, scale insect, spider mite, leaf miner, leaf roller, rust tick and others . Under the leadership of the party branches in Xupu Horticultural Field and in accordance with the guidance of Chairman Mao on fighting against pests and diseases under the leadership of the party branches present at Xupu County, the principle of prevention, combination with prevention and treatment was adopted for citrus pests and diseases. After careful observation and management by them, they have found out the law of occurrence and development of some pests and diseases and taken effective measures to basically eliminate and control them. 1953 Citrus ulcer
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同期举办:第十四届国际锂电池会议14~(th)International Meeting on Lithium Battery CIBF2008展览会面积将超过17000平方米。展位数量达到800个,将有来自40多个国家和地区的
Objective To find an angiogenetic inhibitor from Radix Caulophylli (RC). Methods The extract of Radix Caulophylli was obtained by using 95% alcohol in water as