1虾塘条件一般的对虾塘都能进行养殖,但尤以处于港湾中底部,海水盐度较低,附近海区自然白虾资源丰富的虾塘为最佳。2留足白虾苗种(1)长毛对虾收捕时为农历7月下旬至8月中旬,白虾苗体长不超过2 cm的塘,要注意将白虾苗留在塘内。一般放虾时,长毛对虾先出闸,最后才是大量的白虾苗
1 shrimp pond conditions General prawn ponds can be cultured, but especially in the bottom of the harbor, the salinity is low, the natural shrimp pond near the sea is rich in natural shrimp ponds for the best. 2 leave white shrimp seed (1) hairy shrimp collected for the lunar month from late July to mid-August, white shrimp body length of not more than 2 cm of the pond, we should pay attention to the white shrimp leave in the pond. General shrimp, hairy prawn first departure, the last is a large number of white shrimp