1998年嫩江、松花江抗 洪抢险斗争中,刘小强随部队从8月13日开始,参加了大庆保卫战。8月2O日,他患感冒,发高烧。在极度疲劳,连续50多个小时没吃饭的情况下,仍然以钢铁般的意志,顽强战斗在大堤上。12时10分,因嫩江大堤肇源县立陡山北段3米多高的土崖突然滑坡,为抢救战友身负重伤。第十二胸椎骨骨折脱位、脊髓横断损伤截瘫。
In 1998 Nen River, Songhua River flood fighting and rescue struggle, Liu Xiaoqiang with the troops from August 13, participated in the Battle of Daqing. He was suffering from a cold and a fever on August 2O. In the extreme fatigue, for more than 50 hours without eating in the case, still with the will of steel, fighting tenaciously on the embankment. At 1210 hours, due to the sudden landslide of the Tuya, a 3-meter high northern section of the Nenjiang River embankment in the Zhaoyuan County, Nandi River embankment was seriously injured in rescuing his comrades. Twelfth thoracic fracture and dislocation, spinal cord injury paraplegia.