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本刊2013年第7期“资政通鉴”栏目登载《裴维侒纠弹巨贪》一文后,裴维侒后人——中央党校裴元秀教授发来信函,提供了裴维侒研究的珍贵史料。据裴教授研究,裴维侒在光绪初年任兵部小京官和主事,曾两次因公赴台,到台湾南北考察,了解兵备。由于裴维侒对台湾战略地位的重要性有认识,并亲临台湾,了解台湾军民保卫家园的决心与力量。所以,他在甲午战败之后坚决反对割让台湾,于光绪二十一年三月二十九日(1895年4月23日)写出反对割让台湾的《轻议割地恐启各国贪利之端折》,认为:“台湾民心固结,众志成城,倘竟弃之,恐士卒因之解体,闾阎亦且寒心。倭得之则益富,将何事不可为?且外夷各国率皆贪利,难保不竟相效尤。倭人无信,反复变诈,自昔已然。若求辄与之,虽属暂顾目前,将何以遂其无厌之请?此举关系非浅,诚不可不妥为计虑也。”裴维侒还曾写下十几首咏颂台湾和鼓励东南将帅加强兵备之诗,现选摘其中两首,以飨读者。 In this issue, we published a letter entitled “Pei Weijie Correcting the Crime of Corruption,” and Pei Weijiu, a descendant of Central Government, sent a letter to Pei Weixiu, a professor of the Central Party School, and provided precious historical materials for Pei Weilao’s research. According to Professor Pei’s research, Pei Weilao served as chief of staff and chief principal of the Bing Department in the early years of Guangxu. He visited Taiwan two times for public visits to Taiwan and learned military preparations. Since Pei Wei-yun has an understanding of the importance of Taiwan’s strategic position and visits Taiwan, he understands the determination and strength of Taiwan’s military and civilian forces to defend their homeland. Therefore, he firmly opposed the cease-ups of Taiwan after the defeat of Sino-Japanese War. On March 29, 1895 (April 23, 1895), he wrote a verdict against the “ , That: ”Taiwan’s people’s hearts and minds are consolidated and the public is determined to become a city. If it is abandoned, the fearrs will disintegrate and Lu Yan and Chill will win. Not unexpectedly phase effect in particular. Woren unbelievers, repeated fraud, since the past already. If the demand for the moment with it, although the moment, now why its unruly please? “” Pei Weilan also wrote more than a dozen poems that chant in Taiwan and encourage the southeastern generals to strengthen their armaments. Two of them are now selected to readers.
·我想到很远的地方去·  那天,我把他从教室喊出来时,他正跟同学们打闹。看到我,突然沉默了。  我们两个走到教室外,我才发现他的个子已经很高了,肩膀宽宽的,嘴角也长出细细的茸毛。还有一年时间就要高考了,我不得不放下姿态,与他进行沟通。  我问他:“你准备往哪里考?”  他看了我一眼,默不作声。  我又问他:“你对你的未来,没有规划吗?”  他低头看脚尖,依旧不说话。  对于他的这种沉默,我无言以对
你也许会感到奇怪,为什么总是打不中那只在饭桌旁嗡嗡盘旋的苍蝇?在一些科学家看来,也许这只是因为,在苍蝇的时间尺度中,你看似迅雷不及掩耳的流星拍,不过是个慢动作罢了。如同《黑客帝国》中“子弹时间”的经典场景,如果你眼中的子弹是超慢镜头中的速度,你也能像基努里维斯那样躲过一劫。  根据最近发表在《动物行为》杂志上的一项研究,昆虫或小鸟这样的小动物,在一秒钟之内接收的信息量,也许比人类等体形更大的生物多
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学生的语言表达能力主要包括口头语言表达能力(含感情朗诵)与写作语言表达能力两大方面,由于中国教育数百年来,学生的语言表达能力多是以书面的形式来考查,致使人们重视学生的写作语言表达能力的培养,而忽视了学生口头语言表达能力的教学。  现在,随着全球经济一体化的到来,国际交往更加密切,人们的口头语言表达能力就愈显重要。尤其是当今社会竞争力的增强,人的口头语言表达就突显出举足轻重的地位。因而国家在新制定的
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