
来源 :江苏经济探讨 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huzhan_dong
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在市场经济的汪洋大海中,国有企业如何生产出更多符合社会需要的产品,提高经济效益;如何赢得更广大的市场.使产品畅销不衰.这是许多厂家极为关心的问题.笔者认为.加强和完善国有企业的成本管理.不断降低产品成本.是其成功的必由之路.(一)从宏观方面看.国有企业想在剧烈的国内市场竞争中获得生存和发展,有较强的竞争能力.并参与国际市场的角逐,那它就必须以不断提高经济效益为前提.而企业的经济效益综合体现为企业的赢利水平.也就是企业在主产和经营某一产品时的投入和产出之比.任何一家企业.倘使以较低的投入获得较高的产出,那也就说明它已经获得了经济效益.而降低产品成本.也就意味着物化劳动和活劳动的节约.也即以较少的劳动耗费制造出了更多符合社会需要的产品.可见.降低产品成本是增进企业经济效益重要的一环.是正确的生财、用财之道. In the vast ocean of market economy, how can state-owned enterprises produce more products that meet social needs and improve economic efficiency? How to win a wider market and make products sell well. This is a problem that many manufacturers are extremely concerned about. The author thinks. Strengthening and improving the cost management of state-owned enterprises and continuously reducing product costs is the only way to its success. (1) From a macro perspective, state-owned enterprises want to survive and develop in fierce competition in the domestic market and have strong competitiveness. And to participate in the international market competition, then it must be based on the continuous improvement of economic efficiency as a precondition. And the economic benefits of the enterprise is comprehensively reflected in the profitability of the enterprise. That is, the input and output of the enterprise when the main production and operation of a product Than any company. If you get a higher output with a lower input, it means that it has already obtained economic benefits. And to reduce the cost of the product. It also means the saving of physical and living labor. That is to say, Less labor costs create more products that meet the needs of society. Visible to reduce product costs is an important part of improving the economic efficiency of enterprises. It is the right way to make money. Choi Road.
In sensory substitution, information acquired with one sensory modality is use d to accomplish a task which is normally subserved primarily by another sensory m
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全家人一起去吃烤鱼。服务员:你们好,请问要点多大的鱼?盼盼:点一条2岁的鱼吧。 The whole family went to eat grilled fish. Waiter: Hello, how big fish can you point?
分析几种最常见的不规范装修对房屋结构的不利影响,并从加强宣传工作、加强多层监管、强化房地产开发商管控等几方面提出应对措施。 Analysis of several of the most commo
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