上海明当代美术馆MING CONTEMPORARY ART MUSEUM,SHANGHAI2016.12.24-201 7.2.12走上台阶,工作人员由上向下望着你谦卑踏向展览开始之入口处的脚步,他们身后的背景穿插着几株植物。这些意象在我看来是关于机构的,让你还没进入展览,就感觉到自己像是卡夫卡笔下那被拒于法律之门外的市井小民。另外,你也不免臆测,马塞尔布罗塔尔斯在一系列最富传奇性的机构批判作品之中所
7.2.12 On the steps, the staff from the top down look at your humble footsteps toward the entrance of the exhibition footsteps, behind them interspersed with several strains of the background plant. These images, in my opinion, are about institutions, leaving you not to enter the exhibition, feeling like Kafka’s well-deserved reputation outside the door of law. In addition, you can not help but speculate that Marcel Brotars was among the most critically acclaimed agency critiques