舞台美术本是物质的艺术,在平衡和不平衡中去得“势”。有了“势”的格局即产生“场”,使人产生一种趋向心理作用,由此达到了某种“意境”,从而准确地切入观众的心理,使之产生共鸣。艺术家与观众之间艺术情思的巧妙融合是每个舞台美术家毕生的追求。三年来,吉林省歌舞团舞美中心在副团长、舞美设计师何煊的带领下完成省市大型演出数十场,深受领导和广大观众好评,其中不乏颇有“意境”之作。 2001年,第三届中国长春国际教育展文艺晚会,何煊担任舞美设计。他吸收了电视晚会现场的
Stage art is the material art, in the balance and imbalance to get “potential.” With “potential” pattern that is to produce “field”, people have a tendency to psychological effect, which has reached a certain “mood”, so as to accurately cut into the audience’s psychology, to make it resonate. The ingenious fusion of artistic feelings between the artist and the audience is the lifelong pursuit of each stage artist. Over the past three years, Jilin Province Song and Dance Ensemble Center for the Performing Arts completed several dozens of large-scale provincial and municipal performances under the leadership of the deputy head of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the province. He was well received by the leaders and the general public. Many of them were “mood connoisseurs”. In 2001, the third session of the China Changchun International Education Exhibition Gala, He 煊 as Wu Mei design. He absorbed the scene of the TV show