1894年1月,孙中山草就了《上李鸿章书》(以下简称《上书》),同年6月在上海修改定稿,并北上投书。该书长达8000余言,内容丰富,集中地表达了他对发展近代社会经济的政见。 (一) 孙中山写作此书时,已形成了一套“富国之大经”。他批评了洋务运动,并提出自己的政见:“窃尝深维欧洲富强之本,不尽在于船坚炮利、垒固兵强,而在于人能尽其才,地能尽其利,物能尽其用,货能畅其流——此四事者,富国之大经,治国之大本也。” 接着,《上书》对治国的四大纲要作了具体解释: 第一,人能尽其才。采用西方教育方法,培养造
January 1894, Sun Yat-sen grass on the “book of Li Hongzhang” (hereinafter referred to as “letter”), the same year in June revised finalized in Shanghai, and go north to vote. With more than 8,000 statements and rich content, the book expresses his political opinion on the development of modern social economy in a concentrated manner. (A) Sun Yat-sen wrote this book, has formed a set of “big country rich.” He criticized the Westernization Movement and put forward his own political view: “To steal deep the foundation of Europe’s richness and strength lies not only in the ship’s fortifications and strongholds but also in its ability to do its utmost to make the best of everything. Can make the best use of the goods flow smoothly - all four things, the big country of rich countries, the country is also a large country. ”Then,“ the letter ”on the four outline of the state made a specific explanation: First, people can Do their best. Use western education methods to cultivate and create