住院多菌型病人85例均经DDS等治疗过,效果不佳。改用DDS+RFP+B663三联化疗一年.有效率为93%.皮疹有消退者占90.6%;BI下降者占84.2%,平均下降0.41, BI在2.0以下时.下降速度变慢;BI下降与皮疹消退呈平行关系.联合化疗对控制麻风反应(尤其是Ⅱ型反应)有利.在复发及耐砜类药病人中疗效明显优于以往用过的其它治疗。对砜类药过敏者4例曾用RFP单疗,2例疗效欠佳。未见严重副作用.
85 cases of hospitalized patients with multi-bacteria were treated by DDS, the effect is not good. The use of DDS + RFP + B663 triple chemotherapy for one year, the effective rate was 93% .The skin rash with retreat accounted for 90.6%; BI decreased 84.2%, with an average decrease of 0.41, BI below 2.0, the decline slowed down, BI decreased And the regression of the rash showed a parallel relationship between the combination of chemotherapy for the control of leprosy reactions (especially type Ⅱ response) in the recurrence and sulfonylurea in patients with significantly better than the previous treatment with other treatments. 4 cases of allergy to sulfone drugs had RFP monotherapy, 2 cases of poor efficacy. No serious side effects.