实行厂长负责制 开创企业新局面

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一、从思想工作入手我厂是在湖南省政府统一部署、省建材局的正确领导下,从8月开始实行厂长负责制试点的。时间还很短,但是已经初步取得了较好的效果,经济体制的改革进入了一个新阶段。我们厂的试点是从加强政治思想工作,抓宣传教育入手的。我们召开了各种会议,使全厂干部懂得实行厂长负责制的目的,就是改变过去企业无人负责,无权负责、无力负责、无法负责的状况,这是加快城市经济体制改革的重要组成部分,从而解决了一系列的思想认识问题。如中层干部存在的“一等二看三休息”;年老多病的职工干部要求免职退休;有的干部消极等待宣布自己退居二线当调研员;有的借机要求调动工作;有 First, starting from the ideological work Our factory is under the correct leadership of the Hunan Provincial Government’s unified deployment and the Provincial Building Materials Bureau, starting from August the implementation of the director responsible for the pilot system. The time is still short, but preliminary results have been achieved. The reform of the economic system has entered a new phase. The pilot of our factory is started by strengthening the political and ideological work and grasping publicity and education. We held various conferences to enable all factory cadres to understand the purpose of implementing the responsibility system of the factory director. This is to change the situation in which the company was not responsible in the past, had no right to be responsible, was unable to take responsibility, and was unable to be responsible. This is an important component in accelerating the reform of the urban economic system. In part, it solves a series of ideological and cognitive problems. Such as the existence of middle-level cadres, “first and second see three rests”; old and sick cadres asked for retirement; some cadres passively waited to declare themselves relegated to the second line as research workers; some took the opportunity to request mobilization;
日前,北京市规划委公布了13家企业违法建设已被处罚,其中盘古大观擅自在楼顶加建了12组“空中四合院”引起舆论高度关注。这幢楼位置在鸟巢的旁边,整个建筑在北京的中轴 Rec
一、怎样找潜力? 计划虽然是全面地完成了,但是在完成计划的过程中,并不是一帆风顺的。经济活动分析就是通过分析肯定成绩,同时又找出潜力所在。分析的方法可采用实际与计划
提出了内燃机试验台基础设计的一种新方法,给出了有阻尼自由和有阻尼强迫振动的计算模型,并由此导出计算有阻尼振动的频率和振幅的公式,介绍了该项研究的设计与实现. A new meth
胡图不学无术又自命为才子。一天,他到某地灵官庙游览,突然诗兴大发,便提笔在墙壁上写下了一首打油诗:走进灵官庙, Hutu ignorant and self-proclaimed as genius. One day,
准备场地上画一条起点线,距起点线15米处设2~4个标志物。做法将游戏者分成人数相等的2~4队,每队面对标志物站 Prepare a starting line on the venue, set 2 ~ 4 markers 15 m
吉秀雯  江苏省姜堰市行知  实验小学六年级  邮编:225507    他呀!一张可爱的娃娃脸,浓浓的眉毛,小小的眼睛,挂着个黑框眼镜儿几乎遮住半个脸,一张能说会道的嘴,外加两个小酒窝。由于是刚分配的师范生,年龄又比我们大不了多少,我们都亲切地称呼他“勇哥”(大名毛志勇,取一“勇”字,亲切些)。  勇哥担任我班的科学课、信息和劳动技术课,这些课都是我们特喜欢的。况且上他的课特自由:可以不必把双手
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