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一、矿区概况山东招远县是我国主要产金基地之一,素有“金城天府”之称,黄金矿床类型主要分为蚀变岩型和含金石英脉型两类。蚀变岩型金矿床主要分布在该县的的西半部,目前投产、基建的主要有五个矿,矿床倾角较缓,一般在45°±,矿体走向长度一般较短,小于二百米,厚度较大,一般5~15米,品位偏低,一般为5~10g/T,少数超过10g/T;矿岩稳固性较差,大都采用水平分层干式充填法采矿,含金石英脉型金矿床主要分布在该县的东半部,目前探明投产的有五个矿,一般倾角为65~85°;矿体较薄一般为0.1~2.0米,少数达30米以上;品位一般较高,多数大于10~15g/T,局部地段高达几十克/吨、甚至几百克/吨;矿脉一般 I. Overview of Mining Area Zhaoyuan County, Shandong Province, is one of the major gold production bases in China. It is known as “Jincheng Tianfu.” Gold deposits are mainly divided into altered rock type and gold-bearing quartz vein type. The altered rock type gold deposits are mainly distributed in the western half of the county. At present, they are put into operation. There are mainly five mines in the infrastructures. The ore dip is relatively slow, usually at 45 ° ±. The orebody strike length is generally shorter, less than two hundred Thickness, generally 5 to 15 meters, the grade is low, generally 5 ~ 10g / T, a few more than 10g / T; ore rock stability is poor, most of the horizontal layered dry-filling mining, gold Quartz vein type gold deposits are mainly distributed in the eastern half of the county. At present, there are five mines proven and put into operation, with a typical dip angle of 65-85 °. Thin ore bodies are generally 0.1-2.0 meters with a few of more than 30 meters. Generally higher grade, the majority is greater than 10 ~ 15g / T, local lots up to tens of grams / ton, or even a few hundred grams / ton; veins in general
目的异基因造血干细胞移植(allo-hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, allo-HSCT)是目前根治重型p-地中海贫血的唯一方法。人类主要组织相容性抗原(human leucocyte an
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本文介绍了湖南金银矿床的工业类型及工艺特性,选矿厂生产现状;对进一步如何改进提高选矿指标,提出了改进意见。 This article introduces the industrial type and process