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23年前春季的一天,刚离开学校不久的王爱春,在农田基本建设的工地上光荣地加入了中国共产党。站在鲜红的党旗下,这位20岁的农村女子的眼眶里涌出了激动的泪水。她暗暗发誓要为党的事业奋斗终身。1976年,王爱春走上了工作岗位,先后在兰州市红古区平安、河嘴、红古3个乡担任过后勤管理员、党委秘书、妇联主任等职。不论干什么工作,她都能得到上级领导和组织的肯定。1989年6月,组织上任命她为海石湾镇党委副书记;1992年11月,在镇人代会上又被选举为海石湾镇镇长。女人当镇长,这在一个经济文化还比较落后的小镇里顿时炸开了锅,各种议论纷至沓来,丈夫也劝她说:“跌倒不如早趴下,你还是干你的副职保险。”但王爱春依然挑起了镇长这副重担。 One spring 23 years ago, Wang Ai-chun, who had just left school, gloriously joined the Communist Party of China on the site of farmland capital construction. Standing under the flag of the red party, the 20-year-old rural woman’s mouth filled with excruciating tears. She secretly vowed to struggle for the cause of the party for life. In 1976, Wang Aichun embarked on a job post, successively in Lanzhou Honghe Qu safe, Hezui, red ancient three Township as a logistics administrator, party secretary, director of the Women’s Federation and other staff. No matter what kind of work, she can be affirmed by superiors and organizations. June 1989, the organization appointed her Hai Shui Wan town party secretary; November 1992, the town people’s congress was again elected mayor of Shek Wan Bay. Woman as the mayor, which in a relatively backward economy and culture in the town immediately exploded pot, a variety of arguments after another, her husband advised her: “fall as soon as you get on the ground, you still do your deputy insurance. ”However, Ai-Chun Wang still provoked the mayor of this burden.