In order to meet the new and unique architectural style, Guiyang 201 tower structure using the support system, divided into the main structure, substructure and suspension truss system of three parts. The main structure is a support tube composed of 12 concrete-filled steel tubular columns and eccentric supports; the sub-structure is a steel frame structure; the suspension truss system is divided into three sections along the height and each sub-structure is provided with 6 悬 self-balancing suspension truss. The analysis shows that all the relevant parameters of the structure system meet the requirements of the code. All the rules except for the plane outburst caused by the suspension and the irregularities received are all the rules; the acceleration of the structure apex under the wind load conforms to the requirements of the high steel gauge. Stable analysis shows that the structure does not suffer from global instability. Analysis of suspension truss nodes shows that the node is still under elastic stress under unfavorable conditions of wind load and rare earthquakes, and the suspension truss will not buckle down.