法语拼字大赛闭幕 新任冠军“目不识丁”

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  New French-Language Scrabble Champion Doesn’t Speak French
  Host: To win the French World Scrabble Championship you’d think you’d need to speak French, right? Well, the winner of this year’s tournament, held in Belgium, does not. He’s Nigel Richards, a New Zealander based in Malaysia, who speaks no French, though he’s apparently a Scrabble legend. Stefan, you’ve written about this Scrabble 1)virtuoso, Nigel Richards. What makes him so 2)enigmatic?

  Stefan Fatsis (Reporter): What makes him enigmatic is his personality, and he’s got this big long beard that goes down to about the middle of his chest. He’s perceived as a sort of 3)reclusive figure in Scrabble. He approaches the game in a very, very different way than most players. He just plays and then he’s done. Most players will sit around after a game and try to resolve where the mistakes were, what the best play might have been, why they lost or why they won. Nigel sort of sits there 4)placidly, game is over, he’s done lookin’ at it, he’s ready for the next game. But what really makes him different is this inexplicable 5)mental acuity—the ability to, to ingest and memorize hundreds of thousands of words in English, and now in French.
  Host: Does he have a photographic memory or something?
  Stefan: Well, when I interviewed him a long time ago, before he was a championship player, he actually talked to me about that. For him it was looking at each page of the dictionary and creating a photographic image of what was on the page, and then recalling in his mind, the boldfaced words. All that matters is the order of the letters. And Nigel described to me how he would go on these long, long bike rides and he would bring up in his brain an image of the page that he wanted to review, and then he would go to the next page and the next page. He’s the sort of person that can say, “Oh yes, I learned that word, and it was on page 832 of that dictionary.”
  Host: But he must somehow memorize how the word is pronounced, right? Because if a word is said in French, you know, how do you connect how it’s pronounced to what you see on a page?

  Stefan: I don’t think it matters. And, in the case of the French dictionary, I don’t know how Nigel learned the words. My 6)hunch is that he looked at the words, 7)sans definitions, and just memorized the letter strings, because when you get down to it, Scrabble is not a game about language. You don’t need to know definitions, you don’t need to know, um, anything. It’s certainly helpful to know how something’s pluralized, but ultimately all that matters is that you know the order in which the letters go. There have been great Thai Scrabble players who barely speak English, and have won a world championship or two, and done extremely well in English-language tournaments. So it is not a function of your native speaking ability. It’s a function of being able to process the order in which the letters appear in particular words. Is this string of letters acceptable or is it not?   Host: Is there big money in the professional game?
  Stefan: You know, I wouldn’t call it big money, but it’s money enough. You’re not gonna get rich playing Scrabble, but that’s not why Scrabble players play. They play because they love the thrill of, sort of, decoding the language and mastering this wonderful strategic game.

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