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  Let the Tradition of 1)Endowment Take Root
  2)Waqf, in the history of Islam, is an endowment that usually consists of donating a building or a plot of land for 3)charitable purposes.
  The charitable tradition of waqf is a very beautiful and important gesture in Islam, as it is in all religions. Waqf can take many forms from dedicating or 4)allocating farms, buildings or companies to 5)mosques, religious schools or social institutions like hospitals.
  Waqf is a 6)pious and 7)perpetual endowment that is free from tax. In Iran, the waqf’s assets are under the direct supervision of the Organization for Endowment and Charity, which is in charge of securing them and making sure that their maintenance and profits are well taken care of.

  Ahmad Sharafkhani (Cultural Deputy, Endowment & Charity Org.) : (via translator) The Endowment and Charitable Organization of Iran has three important duties. One of the main is to manage endowments in the country. The organization is supposed to maintain, revive and take full advantage of all endowments. We must manage all these endowments so as to get the best financial results from them.
  There are 9,100 endowments in Tehran alone, and according to the latest figures, there’s been a 73% increase in the number of endowments in Tehran during the past year. There are currently 14 endowed universities, 1,400 endowed schools, and somewhere between 400 and 500 endowed medical facilities in Iran.

  Hassan Rabiei (Endowment & Charity Org.): (via translator) There are some endowments for the old and the poor and those who need financial help. These endowments are to provide these people with social service, so as to bridge the gap between them and other people with better financial conditions. There are some kinds of endowments that are related to medical issues, medicines, hospitals and something like that. There are around 500 hospitals and medical centres in Iran that have been built with the help of endowments. There’s another type of endowment related to science and education.
  Throughout history, it is usually the wealthy that can afford to endow their assets, but what if people want to be a part of an endowment? Endowment papers are available for purchase in banks and on the Internet. People that don’t have any properties to endow can purchase endowment papers for different causes. Up until now several endowed hospitals have been expanded and are being restored with the help of revenues gained through this new method.   Ahmad: (via translator) Iran’s Parliament enacted a bill according to which we can issue endowment papers. Anyone interested in endowment can buy these papers, each of which is worth $40.00. In Tehran we have started a project of building a well-equipped hospital for cancer treatment. Generally speaking, it’s almost impossible for a person or a small group of people to build such a big hospital. So we have decided to sell endowment papers for this hospital, and now many ordinary people are taking part in it. It’s some sort of collective endowment, if you like. We hope that the tradition of endowment will take root in our society more than before. We must teach our children the culture of endowment by telling them, for example, to give their books to the school library. The organization has a plan to let people from all walks of life participate in endowment.

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