Patient, male, 16 years old. Due to aggravating pain after knees joint activity for three years, six months to feel tired, double elbows, wrists, knees and ankles are swollen, limb flexion deformity, but the joints without red fever. Had eight times to seek medical treatment in several hospitals, not diagnosed. No more drink more urine, no similar family history. BP120 / 80, standing posture was “S” shape, hip left convex, both knees right convex, gait shaking. Thyroid enlargement, elbow valgus, nervous system showed no abnormalities, serum chloride 114mEq / L, calcium 10.5 ~ 11.5mg / dl, phosphorus 1.9 ~ 2.1mg / dl, alkaline phosphatase 140 units, 24 hours of urinary calcium 241mg, urinary phosphorus 607mg, kidney