A new type ofFB2 electrom agnetic anti-exploding valve w as studied.The valve willbeuseable to solvem uch heavy dam age ofthe hydraulicsystem caused by som e pipes orhydraulicelem entsexplosion. Thetheoreticalanalysisand theexperim entalresultsindicated thatthe valve has the advantages ofsim ple construction,convenience and reliability, asw ellas a good response.
A new type ofFB2 electrom agage anti-exploding valve w as studied. Valve will be able to solvem uch heavy dam age of the hydraulicsystem caused by som e pipes orhydraulicelem entsexplosion. Thetheoreticalanalysisandtheexperim entalresultsindicated thatthe valve has advantages ofsimulation, convenience and reliability, asw ellas a good response.