’97“游龙”全国青少年网球巡回赛是国家体委网球运动管理中心推出的一项群众性的网球赛事。比赛由国家体委网球运动管理中心主办,天津、湖北、河南等地体委协办,上海游龙橡胶制品公司冠名赞助。 “游龙”全国青少年网球巡回赛旨在加大网球运动在青少年中的普及力度,让更多的青少年参加到网球运动中来,同时,提高中国青少年网球运动整体水平。参赛报名面向社会,凡16周年以下、身体健康的青少年(1980年1月1日以后出生者),不限国
’97 “Youlong” National Youth Tennis Tour is a mass tennis tournament launched by the State Sports Commission tennis management center. Competition organized by the National Sports Center Tennis Management Center, Tianjin, Hubei, Henan and other local committees in co-operation, Shanghai You Long rubber products company title sponsor. “Youlong” National Youth Tennis Tour aims to increase the popularization of tennis in young people, so that more young people to participate in tennis, while improving the overall level of Chinese youth tennis. Registration Entries for the community, where 16 years of age, healthy young people (born after January 1, 1980), not limited to