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为进一步挖掘、整理鲤城区的传统文化,提高社会各界对继承和发展泉州老城区文化的重要性和紧迫性的认识,泉州文学院、鲤城区文联、鲤城区教育局、鲤城区作协联合举办首届“小城故事会”杯“老鲤城的味道”征文活动。征文须围绕鲤城区的吃、喝、住、行四个方面的内容,抓住一点、不及其余,以小入手、以情感人,突出老鲤城味道。文体包括散文、小说,字数在2000字以内,来稿请注明作者姓名、单位、联系电话。征文时间为2015年7月1日至9月30日。征文分成年 In order to further excavate and organize the traditional culture of Licheng District and raise the awareness of the community about the importance and urgency of inheriting and developing the culture of Quanzhou’s Old City, Quanzhou College of Arts, Licheng Wenlian, Licheng District Education Bureau and Licheng District Writers Association jointly hold the first “Town Story” cup “taste of Old Licheng ” essay activities. The essay shall focus on the four aspects of eating, drinking, living and traveling in Licheng District. It should seize a little less than the rest, start with small and emotionally and highlight the taste of Lao Licheng. Style, including essays, novels, the number of words within 2000 words, please indicate the author’s name, unit, telephone number. Essay time for the July 1, 2015 to September 30. Essay divided into adult
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