1975年8月,河南省原许昌地区所辖许昌县、鄢陵县、长葛县、禹县、郏县、宝丰县、鲁山县、叶县、襄城县、舞阳县、临颍县、郾城县和许昌市、漯河市等14个县市遭受了历史上罕见的特大暴雨,造成严重的洪涝灾害。我当时在许昌地区革命委员会生产指挥部工作,现把所知道的一些情况记述如下。 汛情就是命令 8月5日下午,全区普遍降雨,舞阳、叶县、鲁山、襄城降大到暴雨,暴雨中心降雨量500多毫米。浬河支流干江河上游官寨水文站出现特大洪峰,流量达到4100立方米/秒;鲁
August 1975, Xuchang County, Henan Province under the jurisdiction of the original Xuchang County, Yanling County, Changge County, Yu County, Pixian County, Baofeng County, Lushan County, Ye County, Xiangcheng County, Wuyang County, Linying County, 14 counties such as Chengxian and Xuchang and Luohe suffered a rare heavy rainfall in history, causing serious floods and disasters. At that time I was working in the production headquarters of the Revolutionary Committee in Xuchang, and I now state some of what I know as follows. Flood is the order August 5 afternoon, the whole region generally rainfall, Wuyang, Ye County, Lushan, Xiangcheng down to heavy rains, rainfall center rainfall of more than 500 mm. Ba River tributary of the upper reaches of the Ganzhai hydrological station appeared extraordinarily large peak flow of 4100 cubic meters / second; Lu