电影从诞生至今已经历了整整一个世纪。随着人类社会的发展进步,一百年来,电影从杂耍场、游艺厅走入了人类艺术的殿堂,取得了辉煌的成就。在电影的发展过程中艺术流派纷呈,电影理论研究也是各种学派层出不穷;在20世纪后半叶,电影已成为人类文化中不可或缺的艺术门类之一,这无疑是非常值得庆贺的。 值此电影百年诞辰,本刊选编了一组文章,以飨读者。就目前各国电影状况而言,确实面临一定的困境,所以各家学者的见地必然众说纷坛。本刊所选编的文章中观点有所不同,也正反映了电影的现状。我们把它呈献给读者,以期引来更多的思考和议论。
It has been a century since its birth. With the development and progress of human society, the movie has come into the hall of human art from the juxtaposition and entertainment hall for over a hundred years and has achieved brilliant achievements. In the process of film’s development, there are many schools of art, and the study of film theory is also an endless stream of schools. In the latter half of the 20th century, film has become one of the indispensable art categories in human culture. This is undoubtedly very much celebrated. Centennial of the film’s birthday, the magazine compiled a series of articles to readers. As far as the state of film in various countries is concerned, it is indeed facing certain difficulties. Therefore, the opinions of various scholars must inevitably be heard in various forums. Selected articles in this article vary in perspective, but also reflects the movie’s status quo. We present it to readers, with a view to drawing more thought and discussion.