走近古典音乐(九) 歌剧:从“卡梅拉塔”到《奥菲欧》

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歌剧在十六与十七世纪之交的诞生无疑是西方音乐史上最重要的事件之一,音乐与戏剧的结合标志着音乐艺术的戏剧性体现进入一个全新的领域。作为一种体裁,歌剧拓展了音乐艺术表现的可能性,它所独具的丰厚的戏剧蕴含也深刻地影响了其他音乐体裁的发展。在中世纪与文艺复兴时期,西方音乐可以基本上分为宗教音乐和世俗音乐两个领域,而歌剧在巴洛克伊始的出现自然地改变了西方音乐的分类,歌剧、声乐、器乐这三大领域形成了三足鼎立之势,构建起丰富多彩的音乐世界。直到如今,这三大领域依然是音 The birth of opera at the turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries is undoubtedly one of the most important events in the history of western music. The combination of music and drama marks the dramatic performance of musical art in a completely new field. As a genre, opera expands the possibility of the performance of musical art, and its rich and substantial drama implication also profoundly affects the development of other musical genres. In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Western music can be basically divided into two areas: religious music and secular music. The beginning of the opera in Baroque naturally changed the classification of western music. Three major areas of opera, vocal music and instrumental music were formed Three pillars of the trend, build a colorful musical world. Until now, these three areas are still sounds