The Greedy Troll

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanghongtao3446
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  A long time ago in the valley of “Not Very Nice”, there lived a greedy troll, who made everyone who crossed a bridge pay something for passing. He would ask them for new cars, toys, money, or clothes, because after he used them, he thought of them as old. He always desired for more, even if the people were poor. He always asked for something different each time, because he could not find happiness inside himself. He was very lonely, and sad, never satisfied with what he had. Yet, he wouldn’t share, and didn’t have any real friends that cared. So he sat, and looked at the bridge that wasn’t even his with his eyes wide open, and wondered why people crossed it, for he had never been to the other side.
  One day he asked a girl and a boy, from whom he had taken a toy, why they wanted to cross the bridge so badly. The boy replied, “Because everybody is nice and happy over there.” They are happy, because they all share and care about each other. They are happy like sisters and brothers, and, mothers and fathers should be. He then said, “You should come with us. You don’t need all these things. With friends, you too will be happy and have more than enough!”
  The troll could not believe his ears! He felt a sudden joy and his eyes filled with tears! All these years he didn’t know that to care only meant to share!
  “Love, joy, happiness, and caring, all come from sharing,” said the little girl. “You should come with us, we have more than enough! And we will show you a better world.”
  And they all moved over the bridge that wasn’t his to the other side.
  1. Question: Why did he always ask for something different?
  2. Mixed-up Sentence Exercise(单词组句):
  1) he was and very lonely sad never satisfied he with what had
  2) he sudden felt a joy and his filled with eyes tears
  答案:1. Because he could not find happiness inside himself.2. 1) He was very lonely, and sad, never satisfied with what he had. 2) He felt a sudden joy and his eyes filled with tears!
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